Repairing screwed-up genes by silencing them

19 June 2015 Research for the treatment of rare diseases marked a decisive step forward...

Clinical variants of standard CMT2A2 form

27 March 2015 Project Mitofusin 2 is dedicated to people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth...

Another step towards the cure

25 January 2015 We are pleased and proud to announce that our researcher...

Blog is born

10 December 2014 The blog is born. To get closer to our associates, friends and...

First International Conference about CMT2A

07 April 2014 The first international Conference “Mitofusin 2: Neuropathy and...

Thanks to CMT France!!

01 April 2014 Cmt France magazine talks about us! In an article dedicated to Mitofusin 2...

Fundraising Concert

12 December 2013 The fundraising concerd organized by the fourth class of...

Our charter members at the Pope Audience

04 December 2013 Anna Maria Bartolino, our “mother courage” and charter member...

Christmas and solidarity. Thanks Selex ES!

03 December 2013 Selex, the well-known company of Finmeccanica Group, has...

Art and solidarity

18 November 2013 It was at Artissima Fair, in Turin. Giovi’s parents were walking from...