MFN2 – Our Researchers’ Study Published in the journal Brain Communication

9 ottobre 2024

We are thrilled to share with you some very important news for our project and the entire patient community: our researchers have just published a study titled “Investigating the prevalence of MFN2 mutations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: insights from an Italian cohort” on the renowned scientific journal Brain Communication. This is an achievement we are extremely proud of!

Dr. Abati, the first author of the study, together with the research Prof. Corti’s team at the Centro Dino Ferrari/University of Milan, investigated the role of certain variants in the MFN2 gene within an Italian cohort of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This work significantly contributes to expanding scientific knowledge about the potential involvement of the MFN2 protein in motor neuron diseases as well.

The publication of this study not only confirms the quality and dedication of our researchers but also represents an important step forward in understanding the mechanisms underlying CMT2A. Our project is proud and happy to support research efforts that lead to such outcomes.

We sincerely hope that this commitment will yield tangible results and improve the prospects for all patients affected by these conditions, bringing us closer to new treatment possibilities and a better understanding of neurodegenerative diseases.

A heartfelt thank you to our researchers for their commitment and dedication, and best wishes for the next research milestones!

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