Our charter members at the Pope Audience

04 December 2013

Anna Maria Bartolino, our “mother courage” and charter member, made an astonishing surprise to the members of her family. A week ago, with courage and strength, helped by some voluteers and Fernanda, our charter member too, she went along with her dears who suffer of CMT2A (HMSN) to Piazza San Pietro in Rome to bring them to the general audience of the Pope dedicated to people suffering of a rare disease.
Riccardo, Luigi e Marco got very excited when the Pope went near to hug and kiss them. It was an amazing moment, because also the Pope got very touched at the sight of all those people, children and adults, “prisoners” of some disease able to debilitate them, but unable to switch off the smile on their faces.
Thanks Anna Maria for this rare piece of life full of hope for all of us!!